ARE YOU ON THE CALL LIST? If you are interested in the 2021 CSA farm share and want to be notified before open enrollment becomes public, please message us by clicking the button below! 2ND ANNUAL CSA PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST Don't forget to enter your pumpkins, it's going to be spooktacular!
IT'S HAPPENING! We will be taking down the farm stand tent (weather permitting) the first or second week of November, but that doesn't mean we are closing. For the first time EVER we will be open year round! Along with our normal storage crops and farm to table goodies, we will have an assortment of other vegetables that will be grown and harvested directly from our high tunnels. Beginning November 17th we will remain open 3 days a week for all pickup orders! Tuesdays and Thursday's will be for pickup only, but Saturdays we'll be offering a mini market inside with fresh farm to table items to browse, including holiday goodies and more!
PRE-ORDER THANKSGIVING TURKEYS We have limited Thanksgiving Pasture-Raised Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys from our friends at Mondego Acres Farm!
To pre-order your holiday bird please message us by clicking the button below! ICE CREAM SALE!
All Bart's 16oz pints are on sale this week, just $5 each, stock up and save!
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WEATHER ALERT Sunday - October 11, 2020 It looks like we may have some rain this week folks, keep those umbrellas handy! FIELD NOTES Jack-o-lanterns from the 2019 CSA Pumpkin Carving Contest This is the last week for the CSA farm share, 20 weeks have flown by, and it is always a little bittersweet. In a way we feel a bit of relief that we made it through the craziest part of the season and we all get a little break, but we are also sad that we won't see all of you until next year. We really appreciated your early commitment to our farm and can't emphasize enough how you all made it possible for us to weather this really challenging season. We are always at the mercy of something, mother nature, politics, pandemics, you name it, and that means there is an element of unpredictability to every season. Your membership brought so much stability to our farm. It helped us increase our growing acreage, hire more people, and invest in the infrastructure needed to make our farm more sustainable. A big thank you to everyone who placed their trust in us and helped our farm grow! Lastly, even though we will be taking-down the farmstand sometime in November, that doesn't mean we are closing. We will be open year round through our online farm store. You will be able to enjoy fresh greens, storage veggies, and all of our farm to table goodies right through spring. More details will follow, so stay tuned! Oh, and don't forget about the CSA Pumpkin Carving Contest! This week we will give participating members a large pumpkin for carving and a medium one to those who are not, and would like to decorate their step. Be sure to review the rules and dates below. We can't wait to see what you all create! Thank you again, Owner Harrison Bardwell WHAT TO USE FIRST
DID YOU KNOW You can roast the seeds of any kind of winter squash, the same as you would for pumpkin seeds? You can! Clean the strings off by rinsing under running water, toss with 1-2 tsp of oil and season. Try seasoning them with salt, cumin, and chili powder. Tamari with a little wasabi powder is another yummy variation. LETS GET COOKING BAKED ACORN SQUASH WITH BROWN SUGAR Martha Stewart | YouTube This easy and delicious fall side dish only requires a few minutes of hands-on time, leaving you free to work on the rest of your meal! more recipes:
6 THINGS THAT HAPPENED LAST WEEK 7 DAY SUPPORT Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, need assistance or want to provide constructive criticism. Also, don’t be afraid to talk with your Bardwell Farm Representative in-person during a pick-up day. You can always contact us by using the links below.
(413) 800-5583 [email protected]
WEATHER ALERT Sunday - October 4, 2020 The weather is looking pretty good this week but be sure to keep you umbrellas handy folks :) FIELD NOTES Incorporating lime into the soil in High Tunnel 2 Can you believe it's Week 19... where did the time go? It feels like we just got rolling and now it's almost over. One more pickup week left in the farm share, we're going to miss you guys. Well, the rain gods came through again because we have fresh spinach this week. It looks and tastes fantastic. We're so happy we were able to harvest before the CSA ends and include it in all of your shares! We planted High Tunnel 2 this week with spinach, arugula, and other leafy greens. It's all part of our first year growing through the winter. We're pretty excited! The 2nd Annual CSA Pumpkin Carving Contest rules are posted within Forkful this week. We hope you all participate! There will be prizes for best pumpkin design! Lastly, for those of you who would like to be on the 2021 CSA Farm Share call-list please let Rick, Sam, or Christina know when you are picking up this week. As soon as the 2021 share enrollment is available you will be the first to know before we make it public. Enjoy folks! Owner Harrison Bardwell WHAT TO USE FIRST
DID YOU KNOW Did you know there’s a small window in which you can eat your fresh spinach. After the 8th day of it being picked, spinach loses half of its major nutrients when it’s refrigerated. LETS GET COOKING BUTTERNUT SQUASH 4 WAYS | YouTube more recipes:
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, need assistance or want to provide constructive criticism. Also, don’t be afraid to talk with your Bardwell Farm Representative in-person during a pick-up day. You can always contact us by using the links below. (413) 800-5583 [email protected] |
ABOUTForkful is a weekly CSA guide for all farm share members. CATEGORIESARCHIVES
October 2022
e-Gift CardsGive the gift of a CSA farm share with a gift certificate from Bardwell Farm!