Evening garlic crop inspection in the back fields FIELD NOTES Welcome to WEEK 1, it's finally here! Are you excited? We are beyond pumped to be on this journey with all of you! So... buckle up, and here we grow :) There are a ton of things going on at the farm any given day of the week. This is where we will keep you updated about all of these things including the progress of our shared investment. It has been a crazy month finishing up everything for the CSA and getting the fields prepped. We laid miles of plastic and planted thousands of seedlings and seeds. All of this while building another high tunnel and grooming for a greenhouse. It was a lot of rainy day planning and meetings. When the rains stopped, we got out there as early as we could and stayed out there as long as we could. There were many dark til' dark days. I want to thank my crew and everyone who helped get us to this pivotal point. You are amazing. As many of you know this season is off to a rainy start with very few days of sun. Luckily, we were able to plant our first and second settings of crops. The days we did have warm sunny weather it definitely helped move things along, but we are just about a week behind schedule. Although your shares are choice selected and we try to make every effort to fulfill vegetable production, unfortunately we will not be able to double-up on the items you like for the ones you don't this week. If you truly do not like an item, please let us know and we will pass it along or you can swap it with another share holder. We are in this together. This is the "risk" versus the "reward" we talked about during the sign-up process. Mother Nature is really calling the shots right now. On a positive note, when the warmer weather arrives and stays, and everything begins to come in as it should, we will be sure to make up for it and pass along the bounty. Thank you again for investing in our farm! See you soon! Owner Harrison Bardwell ENHANCE YOUR CSA EXPERIENCE Having these items will help you make the most of your CSA Farm Share!
THE LITTLE TOMATO PLANT We included a tomato plant in your share in hopes that you would take your CSA to the next level. We encourage you to plant and take care of the seedling until it matures and bares fruit. Whether it's in a pot on your deck, in your garden, or by itself somewhere in your yard, please take a moment while you are watering, feeding, pruning, or picking fruit, that we did this together. Savor it. Really think about what you are doing and know we share this common idea for a greater good. ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS When you arrive you will find several value added products on display. These items will be an additional purchase and separate from your farm share. We will have a limited supply on hand, but most items will also be available for preorder prior to your Tuesday and Friday pickups at button below. All products are sourced locally and every purchase will support a farm or local business. LETS GET COOKING ![]()
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, need assistance or want to provide constructive criticism. Also, when the program starts, don’t be afraid to talk with your Bardwell Farm Representative in-person during a pick-up day. You can always contact us by using the links below. (413) 800-5583 [email protected]
Our first setting and no-til planter going to work! We want to thank and welcome our newest CSA farm share subscribers! Your contributions will support local farms and make programs like this one possible. We're a little over a week away before all of the fun starts and we can't wait! We've outlined some important information below, so please take your time and read through carefully :) CSA FARM SHARE HIGHLIGHTS
STAY CONNECTED Be sure to bookmark this blog for the latest CSA member information. Every week we will email you a pick-up reminder which will include a link to the Forkful CSA member blog. It will detail what’s in your share and include recipes, storage tips, food preparation, farm news, photos, videos and more. Lots in store! PICK-UP LOCATION The pickup location will be at Bardwell Farm at 49 Main Street, just beyond the farmstand. In case of inclement weather we have an indoor space on the north side of the house. Look for signage or someone from our staff to guide you in :)
VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS Over the last 2 months we have been sampling pasture raised eggs, raw honey, milk, mushrooms, smoked bacon, maple syrup, cheese, organic fair trade coffee and gourmet ice creams... it was a rough job but someone had to do it! Starting today will be offering additional products for members through our CSA Value Added Products (VAP) Preorder page. This would be an additional purchase and separate from your farm share. All products will be sourced locally and every purchase will support a farm or local business. More items will be made available for preorder prior to your Tuesday or Friday pick-up at the link below! CSA VAP Preorder NOTES FROM THE FIELD Sunday - May 26, 2019 - 1pm Hi folks! As you may know the 2019 season was off to a difficult start. Rain and cold weather made it difficult to seed the fields, prep beds, and get crops in the ground. We are working round the clock with the sunny days we have been given. Despite everything Mother Nature has thrown at us so far, we have been able to get fields prepped and first settings of crops in the ground. The warmer weather arrived this past week and that's great news because our greenhouse is busting at the seams with crops ready for the field. On a super positive note we are finally seeing asparagus, spinach and radishes beginning to come in and we're thrilled people are enjoying them! I am looking forward to seeing each and every one of you when the farm share kicks-off on June 4th and 7th. Thank you again for your support! Owner Harrison Bardwell IT'S ASPARAGUS TIME If you haven't seen Harry's Farm Vlog by now, check out his latest edition. This week he's taking us asparagus picking! Stay in in the know, be sure to like the video, subscribe to his channel and click the notification bell :) 7 DAY SUPPORT
Please stay in touch. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, need assistance or want to provide constructive criticism. Also, when the program starts, don’t be afraid to talk with your Bardwell Farm Representative in-person during a pick-up day. You can always contact us by using the links below. (413) 800-5583 [email protected] Thank you again for investing in our farm! Owner Harrison Bardwell |
ABOUTForkful is a weekly CSA guide for all farm share members. CATEGORIESARCHIVES
October 2022
e-Gift CardsGive the gift of a CSA farm share with a gift certificate from Bardwell Farm!