Homegrown News Blog
SINCE 1685
Despite the rain-rain-rain and struggles we had this past summer, we had a ton of fun this year too. Grab a cup of coffee and relive some of the best moments with us from Season 2018! April was the start to most of our farming fun. From seeding in the greenhouse to burning off the asparagus field. In May we were expanding our wholesale offerings and harvesting early season crops. We planted our hearts away almost every day. Thank you Sue from The Laughing Tomato for kicking off our wholesale season for 2018! By June Trevor was had already done "The Goblin" pose so many times we had lost track but we all knew it wasn't over with! We kept a close eye on our long season crops and started to get into the yummy summer squash and greens. A huge shout-out to Smiarowski's for supplying the yummy strawberries throughout the month! July was an exciting month, the Triple Sweet Corn was in, along with several varieties of Heirloom Tomatoes. The new planter arrived as well! I still need some practice with it, but I am pretty sure Season 2019 will take care of that :) Being the rainiest month of the summer thus far we still kept smiles on our faces and kept the produce cranking out! We performed new experiments and learned new things day after day. Thank you to Clarkdale Fruit Farm for supplying us with the freshest fruits into late summer and fall! Into September we were blessed with an earlier fall than expected. Much of the autumn crop was in and we had all the feels! You can thank the extreme weather for that but it was sure nice to see! October was our last busy month, the stand was stocked to the brim, the Hatfield Elementary School kids had a blast exploring the farm, and yes Trevor was still doing "The Goblin" pose LOL! We wrapped up the season with planting the new varieties of garlic and cleaning-up the high tunnel. A bittersweet month, but it was nice to have a little break. It's fun to reminisce about the good times we had all season, but at the same time I'd like to take a minute to thank all the people that made those good times possible.
For starters, thank you to my family for supporting another busy season, and helping me in so many ways. I can't begin to thank you enough. I also would like to thank Rick, Kaitlyn, Trevor, Spencer, Navi, Brandon, Jonathan, and Cam for all the long hours and time they put-in this season to keep the farm running smoothly. I couldn't have done it without all of you there to lend a hand. Thank you to all the farmers who took time out of their days to share their experience, let us borrow their equipment and have good laugh. I couldn't do what I do without the people that love farming just as much as me! A big thanks to everyone. The advice, community and family all of you bring. It really means a lot. Lastly I'd like to thank YOU, my awesome customers, for supporting our local farm. We wouldn't be here without you. Thank you all for another wonderful season, we can't thank you enough for the support you give us! From all of us at Bardwell Farm, Happy New Year!
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